Babalar Press — an experimental research, writing and publishing initiative, by and for Qazaq people*.

* This is an in-progress definition: We use the term "Qazaq people" to describe all people, who were born in/live in/associate themselves culturally/socially/geographically and/or historically with Qazaqstan. We use it as a temporary and transitional alternative to the terms "qazaqstani", "qazaq", and might in time adopt a different term.

The core belief behind Babalar Press is that it is only by actively and creatively using our voices and ancestral knowledges, that we can reclaim ownership over them, and to keep them alive and relevant.

Babalar zines will be a tri-/multilingual print and digital periodicals, featuring texts* by Kazakh practitioners and scholars studying and doing work based on stories, knowledges, and practices of our collective and personal ancestors (kaz. babalar/бабалар), as well as experimenting with, adapting, and reimagining those knowledges for the present and the future/s.